Version 3.0.3 is behind the current release: jump to latest version (3.2.1).
function useAbortSignal
thefrontside/effectionCreate an
bound to the current scope. Whenever that scope is completed,
errored, or halted, the abort signal will be triggered.
Cancellation and teardown is handled automatically in Effection,
but in systems where it is not, the lifespan of a transaction needs
to be explicitly modeled. A very common way to do this is with the
. By creating an abort signal bound to an Effection
scope, we can pass that signal down to 3rd party consumers that can
use it to register shutdown callbacks that will be invoked whenever
the task is done (either by completion, failure, or
cancellation). An example is the native
API which takes a signal
parameter in order to trigger when the
HTTP request should be cancelled. This is how you would bind the
lifetime of the HTTP request to the lifetime of the current task.
Example 1
function* request() {
let signal = yield* useAbortSignal();
return yield* fetch('/some/url', { signal });
Return Type